Partnered Charleston Workshop

Want to learn how to dance partnered Charleston? Whether you’ve never danced before or are an experienced Lindy Hopper looking to expand your partnered Charleston steps, we have something for you!

Join us for our 3 hour workshop. During the 3 hours Cengiz and Julia will introduce the basic step and a whole bunch of jazzy moves to add to your Charleston!

No need to sign up with a partner as we will match you with someone to ensure an even number of dancers as well as frequently rotating.


– a couple (lead and follow) = EUR 50
– a single lead or follow = EUR 30

– a couple (lead and follow) = EUR 40
– a single lead or follow = EUR 25

Time: 12.30 – 16.30, 23rd March 2019

Location: Fanfarezaal Sint Servatius, St. Theresiaplein 18

Register here!